Discounts at Let’s Clay.

Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves...

Any active discounts are listed below, but follow us on social media to be the first to make use of any future discounts!

Student Discount

As a student, we offer you 10% discount on our daytime classes.

  • This discount only applies to our Weekly Daytime classes.

  • Use the discount code “CLAYSTUDENT” when booking.

  • The discount can also be used to book in the place of another/as a gift for someone with a valid student’s identification.

  • We just ask to see your valid student’s identification before class.


If you are 65 years or older, we offer 10% discount on our daytime classes.

  • This discount only applies to our Weekly Daytime classes.

  • Use the discount code “NEVER-TOO-LATE” when booking.

  • The discount can also be used to book in the place of another/as a gift for someone who is 65+ years old.